How to use your InnoPharm Pen

Before you begin, thoroughly wash your hands with soap and hot water and ensure that they are dry.

Firstly, choose the area of skin you feel most comfortable using for the injection. is a subcutaneous injection, meaning that it is injected into the fat beneath the surface of the skin.
Most people choose to use the area 3-4 inches either side of the navel (tummy button), but you can also use the upper arm
or upper thigh.

To prepare the area of skin chosen for the injection, firstly ensure the area is clean and dry. Take an alcohol swab (sold separately) and clean the chosen area thoroughly before allowing it to dry.

Once the needle cap is fitted, simply twist the dial at the other end of the pen to select the required dosage.
2.5mg = 2.5 on your pen
5.0mg = 5 on your pen
7.5mg = 5 & then a second injection of 2.5
10.0mg = 5 & then a second injection of 5
12.5mg = 5 Dose x2 then a final injection of 2.5
15.0mg = 3x 5 doses on your pen.

DO NOT twist the dial until
you are ready to administer a dose

With one hand, pinch the chosen area of skin between your fingers, with the other hand press the slimQuick. pen firmly against the fold of skin so that the needle enters and is pushed all the way in.

Finally, press and hold the button at the opposite end of the slim Quick. pen and wait for 5-10 seconds to allow the solution to fully disperse.

A tiny spot of blood can occur and is totally normal. If necessary, hold a cotton wool pad or similar against the spot for a few seconds until it stops bleeding.


Innopharm Tirzepatide s a pen injection product containing a minimum of 15mg of lab-test certified Tirzepatide.
The Tirzepatide in Innopharm Multi use pen. is conveniently pre-mixed with bacteriostatic water, so that there is no need for any tricky calculations and so removes the risk of any mistakes being made.
slimQuick. enables you to simply twist the dial on the pen to select required dosage, so that no error can be made with dosage selection either.

Innopharm (Tirzepatide) works by mimicking the action of two hormones naturally produced within the small-intestine after eating, GIP and GLP-1.
This dual action effect sets InnoPharm. apart from other weight-loss medications on the market, which only have a single method of action. InnoPharm.:

The hardest part of losing weight is sticking to a diet. Without dietary-compliance, no amount of exercise will help you to achieve weight loss.

InnoPharm Multi Use enables you to stick to your diet plan, without the miserable feeling of being hungry all the time, and without you falling victim to those late-night cravings that can easily un-do your entire day's efforts!

It is recommended that all users begin their journey on what is considered medically as the “introduction dose” of 2.5mg per week.
Users generally stay at this intro dose for 3-4 weeks.
This intro dose serves to enable the user to get used to Tirzepatide. and assess tolerance.
Whilst most side effects are mild, (covered in section 8) and an adverse reaction is extremely uncommon, we still recommended you take the time to allow your body to get used to slimQuick. before proceeding to a higher dose.
Some Tirzepatide. users find that 2.5mg/week is a good dose for them and fits their needs perfectly, so we encourage users to take the time to fully assess each dosage level and not rush to use a higher dose prematurely.
Once you feel as though you are ready to proceed to the next dosage level, we recommend the medical dosage scale that increases in steps of 2.5mgs each time.
So after 2.5mg, the next dose would be 5mg/week, and you would again stay at this dose for 3-4 weeks to again assess how you feel and to check for any negative side effects.
The maximum dose that is considered medically safe is 15mg/week, but in our experience it is extremely rare for someone to require this dose.
The average dose in our experience is 5mg – 7.5mg – 10mg per week. There is no need for you to continue upping the dose every 3-4 weeks, provided you are still experiencing the positive effects from Tirzepatide. This is why it’s important to really pay attention to your body, how you feel at each dosage level and to closely monitor your progress.
Please remember that a healthy diet, with correct calorie intake for weight-loss and regular exercise will enhance your results from Tirzepatide. considerably.

The main positive effects you can expect to achieve from using Tirzepatide. are:

It is difficult to answer the question: "how much weight will I lose?"

Everyone is different, everyone loses weight at different rates, everyone's activity level is different, there are far too many variables at work for anyone to ever give an accurate answer to this question.

However, in medical studies, participants lost up to 8% of their overall bodyweight in the first 6-8 weeks of using Tirzepatide.
In tests conducted by us prior to release of slimQuick. we found that our testers lost slightly more than this.

Whilst everyone's results will vary and will depend upon their own goals and efforts, one thing that we have found to be unanimously consistent amongst all who tried slimQuick. is that everyone was delighted with their own individual results.

Nearly all those that tested also said that Tirzepatide. worked even better than they had expected and that they would almost certainly use it again in future!

Tirzepatide was licensed for use as a weight loss medication in the UK as of November 2023.

Whilst generally considered safe, Tirzepatide is still a relatively new medication and users should always seek the advice and guidance of their health care specialist before use.

As with any medication, there are potential side effects that can occur. Examples of the most common side effects are:

The common side effects experienced by slimQuick. users are generally mild, and subside within a few days.

Adverse effects, whilst extremely uncommon, can occur. If you experience severe symptoms, please consult your healthcare specialist. From our extensive testing of slimQuick. users have found that in comparison to other weight-loss products that are available, slimQuick presents mild side effecrs that are short-lived and easily manageable.
There are certain medications that can cause possible interactions with slimQuick. (Tirzepatide):

Those with a family history of Medullary Thyroid Cancer (MTC) or Multiple Endocrine Neoplasia Syndrome (MEN 2) should not use Tirzepatide as it may increase your risk of Thyroid Cancer.

Please always consult your healthcare specialist if you require medical information.

Once you remove your Tirzepatide. pen(s) from its packaging, it is recommended that you place it directly inside your refrigerator, and ensure that the temperature is set to between 2° and 8° Celsius.These Pens can last upto 30 days out of the refrigerator at a time
Keep your Innopharm. product(s) refrigerated at all times, other than when you remove them for use. Refrigeration preserves the quality of the Tirzepatide contained within your InnoPharm. pen. If exposed to a heat source, the quality may be affected. If there isn't room for the InnoPharm. box in your refrigerator, place pen(s) inside a sealed sandwich bag to ensure that they remain clean and dry
DO NOT FREEZE your InnoPharm. pen(s)

It is not necessary to refrigerate your needle caps and alcohol wipes

Keep out of reach of children. Please dispose of needle caps responsibly

Dosing Protocol:

The Mounjaro pen can only deliver doses up to 5 mg. For doses higher than 5 mg, you will need to adjust the dosing regimen by using the pen again for a second injection. For example: